Roczen - Mentor Rewards Club Terms
Roczen – Mentor Rewards Club Terms
Welcome to our Mentor Rewards Club. Our Mentor Rewards Club (MRC) is a collective with the aim of helping members and mentors to be healthier and happier while growing the Roczen community.
We are Reset Health Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Company Registration No.: 202101028076 (1428376-K)), a company limited by shares incorporated in Malaysia. Our registered address is at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Block A & Block B, 286 & 288, Jalan Ampang, Kampung Berembang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Roczen is a trading name of Reset Health Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
By signing up to our Mentor Rewards Club, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (Terms), which will apply to you and set out the terms on which you are entitled to participate in our Mentor Rewards Club.
- Eligibility
- Our MRC is only available to members of the Roczen programme who have become mentors. In order to become a mentor you must:
- maintain a fully paid for and up-to-date subscription with the Roczen programme;
- successfully complete our mentor training;
- be actively engaged in the Roczen programme;
- be at least 18 years old; and
- maintain or improve the health outcomes achieved by you when you were appointed a mentor.
- We select our mentors carefully based on your health outcomes and engagement with the Roczen programme. Similarly, we want to ensure that our MRC rewards those mentors who truly contribute and engage in the Roczen programme in the spirit of our community. We therefore reserve the right to cancel your MRC membership and/or remove your status as a mentor if you no longer meet these requirements, or if we reasonably believe you are not complying with these Terms.
- Collecting Mentor Rewards Points
- We will allot mentees to you via email and WhatsApp communications. After you have approved the mentee and first communicated with them, you will be deemed to be mentoring them.
- Your mentees will sit within your Level 1 Rewards Group, and you will receive 100 Mentor Rewards Points (“Points”) per week for every mentee that you mentor, provided that they started being mentored by you at any time before midnight on Sunday of that week (the “Reward Week”).
- As and when your mentees satisfy our requirements and become mentors, their mentees will sit within your Level 2 Rewards Group, whilst also sitting within your mentees’ Level 1 Rewards Group. For each mentee within your Level 2 Rewards Group, you will receive a weekly reward of 70 Points provided that they started being mentored in that reward week.
- If and when the individuals within your Level 2 Rewards group satisfy our requirements and become a mentor, their mentees will sit within your Level 3 Rewards Group, and will become your initial mentees’ Level 2 Rewards Group. For each individual within your Level 3 Rewards Group, you will receive a weekly reward of 50 Points provided that they started being mentored in that Reward Week.
- If and when the individuals within your Level 3 Rewards group satisfy our requirements and become a mentor, their mentees will sit within your Level 4 Rewards Group, and will become your mentee’s Level 3 Rewards Group. For each individual within your Level 4 Rewards Group, you will receive a weekly reward of 20 Points provided that they started being mentored in that Reward Week.
- The structure set out above is shown in the table below using an illustration that assumes that each mentor at each Level only has 10 mentees.
Level 1 Rewards Group”
Mentors - Original Mentor
Mentees - 10
Available points per mentee / total available - 100 / 1,000
Level 2 Rewards Group”
Mentors - Level 2 Rewards Group
Mentees - 100
Available points per mentee / total available - 70 / 7,000
Level 3 Rewards Group”
Mentors - Level 3 Rewards Group
Mentees - 1,000
Available points per mentee / total available - 50 / 50,000
Level 4 Rewards Group”
Mentors - Level 4 Rewards Group
Mentees - 10,000
Available points per mentee / total available - 20 / 200,000
Illustration: Total available MRC Points per week per mentor: 258,000
- You will only receive Points for mentees and mentors who maintain their status as a mentor or mentee under these Terms, and who continue to maintain a fully paid subscription to a Roczen programme. If any mentee ceases to be a mentor and/or cancels their Roczen subscription with us at any time, they will no longer earn Points for themselves or their mentors. We deem this a “disqualification”.
- If a mentor is “disqualified”, their Level 1 mentees (and downline) will be mentored by a coach or staff member employed by Roczen.
- Redeeming Mentor Rewards Points
- Mentor Rewards Points have no value until converted into Roczen dollars (please see below). The current conversion value of points is each Point is worth 1 Roczen penny. So, 100 Mentor Rewards Points is worth 1 Roczen penny.
- You can redeem your Roczen pennies for cash at the local currency at the Mentor Rewards Club Exchange, details of which can be found here.
- Mentor Rewards Points are awarded on the first day of the week for the previous week. You will receive an email to confirm both the Points awarded to you for the last 4 weeks (“month”), the Points spent in the last month, your total accumulated Points and the latest remaining available Points.
- Mentor Rewards Points can be redeemed Quarterly in March, June, September and December of each year. Points are only redeemable by you and are not transferable.
- Mentor Rewards Points may be removed or cancelled if we determine that the points were collected in breach of these Terms or were awarded in error.
- Mentor Rewards Points will expire if they are not converted to Roczen dollars and redeemed 18 months after being rewarded and deposited into your Roczen or MRC account. These expired Points will be permanently cancelled without further notice to you.
- Your Roczen and/or MRC account will be deemed inactive or dormant if there is (1) no mentoring activity for a period of 3 months, or (2) your Rozen subscription is not fully paid and up-to-date. In the event that your Roczen and/or MRC account is deemed inactive or dormant, you will have 3 months to convert all remaining accumulated MRC points in your accounts to Roczen dollars and redeem them. At the end of this 3 month period, your accounts will be closed and any remaining MRC points will be permanently cancelled.
- Our support
As part of your membership with the MRC you will receive our support in order to help you grow your mentor and mentee network with Roczen. For example, we may provide you with:
- an initial training programme once you are approved as a mentor;
- the opportunity to become a “Best in Class” mentor, which allows you to charge your mentees and other Roczen members to follow your content published within your Level 1 Rewards Group;
- access to best practices and developmental opportunities for mentors;
- flexibility to reallocate mentees to a new mentor (where it is in the mentee’s best interests to do so); and
- access to new channels to communicate with your Level 1 mentees.
- Your obligations
- You must:
- comply with these Terms at all times;
- comply with our MRC operating rules and policies which are in force from time to time (including those listed here);
- you will be responsible for compliance with all matters associated with your status as a self-employed individual and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations that apply to you, including laws relating to income tax, National Insurance and social security contributions and any other liability, deduction, contribution, assessment or claim arising from or made in connection with the MRC;
- provide evidence of your mentoring to us upon request;
- follow your own Roczen programme;
- continue to maintain or improve your agreed health outcomes achieved by you when you were appointed a mentor (for example your weight or Hba1c levels)
- This includes providing regular biometric data to allow our clinicians to support you in maintaining your health goals.
- maintain a current membership in the Roczen programme and MRC; and
- treat all information you receive as part of your mentor membership and our MRC as confidential and you must not disclose such information to any person, unless Roczen has consented in writing or as required by law.
- You are required to act in good faith and in the best interests of Roczen, the MRC and your mentees and mentors at all times, and are not permitted to act in any way which:
- is improper:
- infringes on public order or decency;
- infringes on the rights and interests of Roczen, the MRC, other mentors, mentees, patients or any third parties;
- infringes on the intellectual property rights of Roczen, other mentors, mentees, patients or any third party; or
- infringes anyone rights to privacy.
- Termination
We have the right to cancel your membership as a mentor and/or your participation in the MRC at any time, and for any reason, including if we reasonably believe you:
- have failed to comply with any of these Terms or any other terms governing your subscription to the Roczen programme;
- fail to pay us any fees due in respect of your subscription to the Roczen programme; and/or
- do anything or omit to do anything which is likely to damage or prejudice our reputation and/ or good name.
- Liability
- We do not accept any responsibility or liability for your acts or omissions. We are not responsible for monitoring or moderating the behaviour, communication or interaction of mentors, mentees and patients within the MRC.
- Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits our liability where it would be unlawful to do so. Otherwise, all conditions and warranties, whether expressed or implied by statute, common law or otherwise are excluded by us to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- Personal data
We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy. As a mentor, you are only permitted to use data you collect or receive from your mentees in order to mentor them within the programme, and not for any other purpose. You are solely responsible for ensuring you comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws that relate to your use of such data.
- Changes to these Terms
We may make changes to these Terms and our Mentor Rewards Club (MRC) at any time. We will always try to provide you with as much notice of the changes as reasonably possible, and we advise you to but check this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of the latest version which applies to you.
- General: Reflect Malaysia law and jurisdiction
These Terms (and the documents referred to in them) reflect the entire agreement between us in relation to our MRC. These terms are governed by Malaysia law and under the exclusive jurisdiction of Malaysia Court. Your membership with the MRC may also be subject to other local, national, or international laws.